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  • Change – a psychological process

    Have you been thinking about making a change?

    Maybe you’ve already tried to change a behaviour, job, relationship, habit, thinking style?

    Making change and sticking to our goals is really difficult. 

    There are a number of things that commonly make the process of change challenging. Factors such as:

    Thinking: what you think about the change and/or what you generally think about change (i.e., “change is scary!!!”);

    Planning: plans for the change process (i.e., spontaneous change or feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of starting something new);

    Expectations: what you are expecting to happen, compared to what does happen or what happened in the past;

    Learning: our preferred learning styles and tolerances.

    Now in Colour Psychological Services offers expert guidance in the area of change. Our therapists can help you identify:

    what you want to change;

    the best way to approach the change you desire;

    realistic plans to achieve change;

    how to sustain your change for the long term.

    Contact us today to begin your personal change journey.



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